
2921 Wilson Avenue

Walker, Michigan

Working in lockstep with a client to make sure everyone walked away a winner.

We worked closely with Foremost Graphics Group on the sale and lease-back of their headquarters at 2921 Wilson Drive NW. At the time, Foremost had several business opportunities they wanted to pursue, so we worked with them to structure a win-win outcome for each party. Foremost was able to utilize equity they had built up in the building to spur growth in their company, while we were able to secure a Class A real estate asset with a long term tenant and strong upside.

Project Details

  • Location
    Walker, Michigan
  • Size
    73,014 SF
  • Year Built
  • Most Recent Remodel
  • Acquisition Price
    $3,400,000 (January 2020)
  • Property Management
    Lakeside Real Estate Services
  • Construction
  • Value Added
    • Professional property management
    • Secured favorable, long term financing
    • Quick access to equity and debt, allowing for a quick closing
2921 Wilson Avenue

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